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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The power of Web Widgets - help make money on line

Many times when we create a website or blog, we often wondering how can we increase our revenue through the website or blog. One of the very common method we are using is web widget.

But what is web widget ? (Commonly referred to 'widget' & pronounced wih-jit !)
In technical terms, it is a generic term for the part of a GUI that allows the user to interface with the application and operating system.
Too difficult to understand, let me explain to you in a simple way. It is a small program that allow you to insert into your website or blog easily. The most common one we saw for example google advertisements.

The beauty of widgets is that you dont have to know how to program them. To install a web widget on your site or blog is just simple as copying the code generated and pasting it into the appropriate place you wish it to be.

Some people might though that widget is just a function for advertisement purpose. However a widget can be anything from a voting poll to a weather forecast or to a list of current headlines etc...

In addition, widgets arent just for personal use. Businesses can also use them to enhance their websites. A good example is to use as a traffic tracking for their webside or to apply it on the financial website as a forex quotes table etc...

So be started to get familiar with the Web Widgets and earn money on line.


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